Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Round Ligament Pain

Pain in the body during pregnancy is not abnormal. Ligament pain is something many pregnant women may notice at some point in pregnancy. Round ligament pain during pregnancy often occurs in the 2nd trimester, but it can also be experienced earlier and, in some cases, already in the 1st trimester.
Ligament pain is something everyone can experience because ligaments are connective tissue that sits around the entire body and holds bones and organs in place. It is experienced as a form of pain in the abdomen and lower abdominal region for pregnant women.
This is because some connective tissue or ligaments hold the uterus, and as the uterus grows, this connective tissue stretches, which can cause ligament pain.
How is round ligament pain experienced?
One thing is what ligament pain is, and another is how they are experienced. It is essential to know how they are shared so that you, as a pregnant woman, can find out that "just" ligament pain is harmless.
The typical signs of ligament pain are:
Pains in the genital area
Abdominal pain
Minor pains in the groin
However, it can be experienced differently and with more or less strength from pregnant to pregnant. Ligament pain can occur in some of the pregnancy, throughout pregnancy, for periods, or not. Typically, they will appear around the 2nd trimester in the form of the above symptoms and may increase in the 3rd trimester as it is here that the fetus gains weight.
Relief of ligament pain
Ligament pain is often experienced worse when walking and twisting the body, and the apparent relief is to take it easy. But that is easier said than done because you neither can nor will lie still all day.
Therefore, here are some ideas for how to relieve the pain that occurs:
Heat is always good for pain. It can be a hot shower or hot pillow on the lower back or where you experience ligament pain.
Make your movement synchronous in the body. It should relieve the stretch from the ligaments and is generally a good thing to do in pregnancy even if you have signs of pelvic pain.
Just as I have advised you to take it easy, it is also good to keep the body moving, but in a way that does not become unfamiliar with moving.
Massage or rub where you can feel ligament pain; it can relieve or give a feeling of relief.
Talk to your doctor or your job about the possibility of sick leave, pain relief, or reduced working time during the last part of pregnancy. Either way, you should not perform physically strenuous tasks and would like to have time to lie down during a workday.
Now you know a little more about ligament pain and what you can do to relieve them. In some cases, they can also be experienced after birth when the ligaments pull you back together, and here are the same relief methods you can use.