Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Pregnant and Hemorrhoids

A lot happens in your body when pregnant, which naturally leads to some complications. One of them is hemorrhoids, which come in connection with constipation. Although you may not have heard of many other pregnant women talking about it, it is relatively standard. Up to 39% of pregnant women experience constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after birth.
The uterus and hormones come into play
As the uterus grows, as the fetus gets bigger, it presses more and more into the pelvis and towards the intestine. As a result, the pressure on the blood vessels at the rectum increases, and the bowel generally finds it harder to work.
Pregnant women also have an increased tendency to constipation due to hormonal changes and, therefore, for entirely natural reasons, put extra pressure when it is time to visit the toilet, which, unfortunately, gives an increased risk of getting hemorrhoids.
You know you have hemorrhoid if you have a toilet visit:
General discomfort at the rectum
Some hemorrhoids cannot be seen when examining the rectum area, while others bulge out and either slide back on their own or have to be pushed in.
Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are not dangerous but can be a significant nuisance during pregnancy. Minor hemorrhoids can quickly stop giving symptoms without further treatment if the constipation is resolved or the pregnancy ends. If you get hemorrhoids in late pregnancy, they will often be easy to treat and disappear after a short time.
To treat hemorrhoids, you can use:
Hemorrhoid ointments
However, it can be challenging to get rid of the hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as the pressure on the rectum is constant. It is, therefore, quite common if your first experience that they disappear completely after birth.
Prevention of hemorrhoids
The vast majority want to avoid hemorrhoids as much as possible. You can also do this by preventing constipation and a hard stomach and having quick trips to the toilet, where you do not sit and push for a long time.
To avoid constipation and thus increased pressure on the rectum, you can eat lactic acid bacteria, a high-fiber diet, and good fatty acids. However, if you generally tend to have a delicate stomach that quickly becomes hard and constipated, you can use medical treatment. However, it would help if you first talked to your doctor, as it may inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals that are important to you.
Exercise can also be an excellent preventative factor against constipation and the formation of hemorrhoids as it stimulates bowel movements and makes it easier to get rid of feces.
Also, drink plenty of fluids to contribute to a regular and gentle bowel movement.