Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain or symphyseal is not something you want for your worst enemy once you have been through it yourself during pregnancy. Unfortunately, pelvic pain or symptoms thereof are far from abnormal during pregnancy.
Pelvic pain
A pelvic instability starts with pelvic pain, but you can easily experience pelvic pain without getting pelvic instability. Half of all pregnant women will experience pelvic pain, but only 2-10% receive pelvic instability.
When does pelvic pain occur?
Pelvic pain most often occurs around mid-pregnancy but may also happen earlier. You may start to feel pelvic pain symptoms from the 8th week of pregnancy.
First-time pregnant women will usually experience it in the middle of their pregnancy. If you have been pregnant once before with pelvic pain or pelvic instability, you are likely to get it again, which is also earlier than the first time. Therefore, it may be good to do preventive exercises if you have already had pelvic pain during a previous pregnancy.
How does pelvic pain feel?
Pelvic pain is often very uncomfortable, and pelvic instability can lead to sick leave from work until you go on maternity leave. It can cause pain in several different places, and with pelvic instability, it can feel as if it is locking up incorrectly. Often, the symptoms listed below are exacerbated by movement and warping.
Pain in the tailbone
Pain in the groin
Pain in the lower back
Pain in the buttocks
Sore muscles of the abdomen
Symphyseal pain
Feeling that the pelvic is falling apart.
In addition to the pain mentioned above, pelvic pain can also cause pain elsewhere in the body. It happens due to trying to compensate for the pains you have in the pelvic by going crooked or using muscles in a way that you do not usually use.
Prevention of Pelvic Resolution
It may be a good idea to work on preventing pelvic pain and pelvic instability, as it will make the pain easier or postpone it.
Some of the best forms of training, according to the Danish association of pelvic pain, are:
Exercises on the pelvic floor
Balance training
Coordination training
Stretching exercises
Another option that does not involve exercise may be wearing a pregnancy belt or support belt. It may seem preventative but also soothing if you already have pelvic pain.
Relief of pelvic pain
Pelvic pain cannot be treated, but the symptoms thereof and pelvic resolution can be relieved in various ways. In addition to the things mentioned below, you can also use preventative methods for pain relief. Here's what you can do to relieve pelvic pain:
Mobilization of joints in the pelvic to correct misalignments.
Massage of pelvic muscles and ligaments, and other sore muscles in the body.
Thorough training, cf. preventive training methods.
Good posture and synchronous movements as you sit down and get up.
Take it easy, and do not overload your pelvis unnecessarily by going for long walks, running, or twisting your body. It can cause a significant aggravation of the pain.