Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Morning Sickness

One of the most common symptoms during pregnancy is nausea or morning sickness. For many pregnant women, it can be a significant problem during pregnancy. Often, the nausea is experienced most and worst at the beginning of pregnancy, after which it will subside/disappear, but in some cases, it may well last longer than the 1st trimester.
When do I get pregnancy nausea?
Pregnancy nausea usually comes relatively early in pregnancy, and it is normal to have nausea from about week six; typically, it will have subsided around week 20. However, many will find that nausea already subsides around week 12.
How long do I have nausea?
Nausea from pregnancy can also last throughout pregnancy or longer than week 20. Some people experience having a short period from week 6 to week 1. Some have it until about week 20, but they may get it a little later, and some may also experience nausea throughout pregnancy. With this mentioned before, and now again:
All pregnancies are different, and you cannot predict when and how long pregnancy, nausea, or other symptoms will appear in your pregnancy.
Also, it is not unusual for something reminiscent of nausea to return at the end of pregnancy. Here you can have many acidic bumps because the organs in the body are so pressured that there is no room for food in the stomach. So the sour spots will often come after you have eaten a meal.
How does nausea feel like pregnant?
Nausea feels no different than usual just because you are now pregnant. It is the same feeling as if you have nausea related to illness or overeaten. The difference lies more in how long the sickness is. But like when you are sick, nausea during pregnancy can fluctuate up and down and appear at all times.
Why is it called morning sickness?
You probably always heard it was called morning sickness before you became pregnant. That is also often seen in movies and discussed in the entertainment of various kinds as morning sickness. It is also true that pregnancy nausea usually occurs in the morning, but that is certainly not the rule.
Like so much else during pregnancy, nausea is also very individual and can occur and be experienced at different times. You may also experience nausea:
In the morning
In the middle of the day
In the afternoon
In the evening
Around the clock
So there is nothing dangerous about not having nausea in the morning or having nausea several times during the day, just as you can also experience not having nausea at all.
No nausea during pregnancy
Can you be pregnant and not have nausea? Yes, you can, it does happen to a few, but you may have very mild nausea, just as you can experience very extreme nausea during pregnancy and approx. Half of all pregnant women experience vomiting during pregnancy sickness.
If you experience not having nausea, do not panic. Instead, try to notice if you have any other pregnancy symptoms that are enough to take off. However, a successful pregnancy does not depend on having all the symptoms others have - a pregnancy is individual and different.
Extreme nausea as pregnant
A small proportion of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting to such an extent that it is detrimental to health and thus to your pregnancy and the fetus. It is called hyperemesis gravidarum and causes fluid deficiency and weight loss. In that case, you may need hospitalization to ensure you get the fluid and nutrition you need during pregnancy - however, this is only the case in up to 1% of all pregnancies.
If you experience extreme nausea where you cannot keep food and fluids down and often vomit, you should contact your doctor for further guidance.
Treatment/relief of pregnancy nausea
Pregnancy nausea is not something you treat as there is nothing dangerous or wrong with having it. On the other hand, you can do some things to relieve nausea, which you can read more about here:
Eat small and many meals during the day. It's important not to have an empty stomach or over-stuff the stomach, as both will trigger nausea.
It may be good to have a glass of juice, and some biscuits served if you are dealing with morning sickness before getting out of bed.
If the nausea is terrible, it may be an idea to eat cold food rather than hot food.
The multivitamin tablet and vitamin B6 have also been a soothing effect. Take these tablets and possibly iron and folic acid that you also take at a time of day when you know the nausea is at a minimum, by not risking throwing them up again.
Direct treatment of nausea should only occur when you start to lose weight or cannot hold fluid and food in your stomach. In this case, you should contact your doctor for further details.