Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Initiation of Childbirth

Suppose you have begun to approach the term. In that case, it is only natural to come across initiation, which means that the birth does not start by itself but is initiated by puncturing the amniotic membranes or using medication.
To succeed in initiating labor, the cervix must be soft and resilient. If it is not, it will have to mature. If a hole has been punctured in the amniotic membranes and the contractions do not come by themselves, active help is also put in place here to get them started.
Initiation of the birth is very normal, as up to every fourth birth in Denmark is started.
Initiation takes place after the 42nd week
In Denmark, it is best to see that all babies are born in the week 42 + 0, as otherwise, there is a risk that the placenta is no longer as well-functioning as before. If you have not given birth in week 41 + 5, you will therefore be offered start-up.
However, the starting point is that one would instead not start births, as this increases the risk of also having to use other procedures during the birth, such as a suction cup, ve-stimulating drip, or even an emergency cesarean section.
However, initiating a birth can also occur if the pregnancy threatens the pregnant woman's condition or otherwise judges that it is best for the child's life that they come out.
The obstetrician makes the decision
Initiation of the birth usually only takes place after a conversation with an obstetrician. This is something your midwife will refer you to if she is worried about you or your baby in the womb. At the hospital, the obstetrician will, using various tools, assess how your and the baby's condition is.
However, initiations in weeks 41 + 5 are a general decision, which is made without an initial interview. However, you can request a conversation before initiating.
However, the initiation does not occur without first having checked that the child is well and can handle an initiation and birth.
Methods of initiation
There are various methods of initiating a birth, which may be:
Membrane solution (intended to mature the uterus)
Balloon catheters (intended to mature the uterus)
Puncture of the amniotic membrane
Misoprostol (to mature the uterus and labor pains)
Miniprostin (to mature the uterus)
Stimulating drip (given after a punctured hole in the amniotic membrane)
However, it is not always the case that the body responds to an initiation. Precisely for this reason, one is also reluctant to initiate births and does so only when it is considered necessary. The body decides for itself, and if it does not react in the first instance to the initiation, the birth usually ends up being long, arduous, and quite painful.
However, it can also be that nothing happens other than the child is stressed.